The palestinian - Israeli conflict is not something which could be compared with the peace making with egypt. Bill Clinton made the best effort with all respect to Carter (which is the one who had a major role in bringing Humainee to power in Iran), in bringing peace dealing with the most difficult issues in the middleast, the palestinians as history shows never missed an opportunity to miss an opportunity which was not the case with former Egyption president Saadat. Carter now days goes and hugs Ismaiel Haniya, the Hamas leader in Gaza who vowed to destroy the "Zionist entity" as he likes to say, for him its not about Sinany, Gaza or any other piece of land, for him its the concept of eliminating Israel days when you take what is called a "Balanced position" all you get are more missels and terror attacks..
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(c) Podcast Journal
Édité par AL Communication/Odyssée création.
Média partenaire de l'ESJ Paris.
Fondatrice: Eva Esztergar. Rédaction en chef: dr Cécile Vrain.