Clair. Paroles et musique: Raymond O'Sullivan. Interprète: Gilbert O'Sullivan. (1972)

Il faut rappeler que le chanteur commence sa carrière aux côtés des futurs Supertramp, et que son premier album solo intitulé "Himself" sort en 1971. Ses mélodies douces-amères restent de vraies perles pop des années 70. Crooner à la voix particulière quelque peu nasillarde, il ne tardera pas à séduire un public planétaire. En 2008 il reprend la route pour une tournée qui l'amène, entres autres, en France sur la scène de l'espace Pierre Cardin à Paris (75). Depuis juin dernier on peut se procurer l'édition de collection, titres bonus, enregistrement original remastérisé de 22 titres de Gilbert O'Sullivan. L'artiste se produira également sur deux scènes new-yorkaises les 28 et 29 novembre 2012.
Clair, the moment I met you I swear
I felt as if something somewhere
Had happened to me
Which I couldn't see
And then
The moment I met you again
I knew in my heart we were friends
It had to be so
It couldn't be no
But try as hard as I might do I don't know why
You get to me in a way I can't describe
Words mean so little when you look up and smile
I don't care what people say,
To me you're more than a child
Oh! Clair, Clair
Clair, if ever a moment so rare
Was captured for all to compare
That moment is you
It's all that you do
But why in spite of our age difference do I cry
Each time I leave you I feel I could die
Nothing means more to me than hearing you say
I'm going to marry you
Will you marry me Uncle Ray?
Oh! Clair, Clair
Clair, I've told you before
Don't you dare
Get back into bed
Can't you see that it's late
No you can't have a drink
Oh! all right then but wait just a bit
While I, in an effort to baby sit,
Catch of my breath what there is left of it
You can be murder at this hour of the day
But in the morning this hour
Will seem a lifetime away
Oh! Clair, Clair
Les paroles des chansons sont la propriété de leurs auteurs. Leur commercialisation est interdite.
La chanson à la Une peut-être aussi votre chanson préférée: faites-nous part de votre souvenir musical en postant des commentaires, et votre titre pourrait aussi être à la Une!
Clair, the moment I met you I swear
I felt as if something somewhere
Had happened to me
Which I couldn't see
And then
The moment I met you again
I knew in my heart we were friends
It had to be so
It couldn't be no
But try as hard as I might do I don't know why
You get to me in a way I can't describe
Words mean so little when you look up and smile
I don't care what people say,
To me you're more than a child
Oh! Clair, Clair
Clair, if ever a moment so rare
Was captured for all to compare
That moment is you
It's all that you do
But why in spite of our age difference do I cry
Each time I leave you I feel I could die
Nothing means more to me than hearing you say
I'm going to marry you
Will you marry me Uncle Ray?
Oh! Clair, Clair
Clair, I've told you before
Don't you dare
Get back into bed
Can't you see that it's late
No you can't have a drink
Oh! all right then but wait just a bit
While I, in an effort to baby sit,
Catch of my breath what there is left of it
You can be murder at this hour of the day
But in the morning this hour
Will seem a lifetime away
Oh! Clair, Clair
Les paroles des chansons sont la propriété de leurs auteurs. Leur commercialisation est interdite.
La chanson à la Une peut-être aussi votre chanson préférée: faites-nous part de votre souvenir musical en postant des commentaires, et votre titre pourrait aussi être à la Une!