Podcast Journal, l'information internationale diffusée en podcast

Podcast Journal

Média d'information international diffusé en podcast 🎙️
Le monde des créations, des tendances, des "styles de vies", des soirées et de la vie nocturne

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À l'approche de la fête des mères, la technologie d'impression à la demande offre aux entreprises une occasion unique de créer des cadeaux...
From March 7 to July 16, 2023, the Palais Galliera is organizing an exhibition dedicated to the year 1997, a decisive year in the history of...
From centuries ago, Paris has been an international fashion capital, particularly in the domain of haute couture and representation of elegance from...
Non-alcoholic cocktails (or "mocktails" in English) are trendy and can be drink without moderation! Spotlight today on The Niets company, a reference...
Paris Fashion week was full of surprises and discovery. One of them all was definitely one. An earring that transform into something. Something...
Entre les coupes élégantes et les superbes couleurs et motifs, Sophie Malagola associe la beauté intemporelle des tissus lingeries à des styles...
OCTOGONY, a Belgian luxury brand, unveil at Paris Fashion Week his new collection is shaking up fashion with his bag pieces that are as spectacular...
When we talk about Haute Couture, we think directly of flamboyant and theatrical dresses worthy of fairy tales. Whether they are meant for weddings,...
From Dita Von Teese, Katy Perry, to Lady Gaga, Alexis Mabilles dressed the biggest the most famous star ! Close up to this precocious couturier that...
After the fashion weeks in New York, London and Milan, Paris Fashion Week has arrived from September 26 to October 4, 2022. UJOH was one of the...
Jude Ferrari, creative director and founder of J.Simone, showed for the first time on the Paris Fashion Week schedule, on September 26th at the...
Le violoniste virtuose Baiju Bhatt retrouve son groupe Red Sun pour défricher des nouveaux territoires de jazz mâtiné de sons indiens. Une musique...
During the Paris Fashion Week, the Spanish emergent clothing brand Teran Conde presented their new collection with one of the best fashion shows of...
Paris Fashion week is usually the best event in France to discover new collection, to run between two fashion shows in order to assist at the finest...
The Paris Fashion Week Spring-Summer 2023 took place from the 26th of September till the 4th of Octobre 2022. Coming straight from Los Angeles, the...
The French designer Jean-Claude Jitrois is the world renowed inventor of strech leather. which have enabled it to multiply its uses, comfort and...
Le chagrin d'amour est comparable à un stress post-traumatique. Comment le surmonter si le trauma est aussi violent que le deuil ? Découvrez quatre...
S’il est une consultante qui défraie la chronique, c’est bien cette conseillère matrimoniale qui allie conseils et humour pour trouver des solutions...
Depuis des générations, les roses rouges ont conquis les esprits et les cœurs des amoureux du monde entier. Mais connaissez-vous ses secrets ? La...
Pour cette deuxième période de confinement, et pour votre plaisir, je vous propose chaque semaine de remettre à jour vos look book de saisons ! Trois...
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