TRIBUNE - The Crimean Tatars: destiny of the people in destiny of Ukraine

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Par Kaily Simson Rédigé le 01/10/2012 (dernière modification le 30/09/2012)

Recently leaders of médjlis of Crimean people (unofficial ethnic representative body) try desperately to internationalize a problem of the Crimean tatars attracting attention of the international community to it, and also involving the European and international organizations. In the middle of September in Kiev witnessed the next meeting of médjlis leadership with representatives of diplomatic missions and the international organisations accredited in Ukraine. The meeting has been devoted to issues of practical implementation of the long-standing initiative of leaders of the Crimean Tatars – to hold in Ukraine in October of the current year "the International forum on restoration of the rights of the Crimean people".

Illustration proposée par l'auteur
Illustration proposée par l'auteur
From the moment of its independence, Ukraine executes practically alone difficult work on repatriation of the Crimean people and on its social integration in the Ukrainian society. The modern Ukrainian state wasn’t related to the deportation of the Crimean people as in the period of the Second World War, the Crimean peninsula was not a part of Ukraine. It was transferred to Kiev only ten years after that.

Today, looking back at the passed way, it’s safe to say that difficult process of returning of the whole nation on the historical native land has passed successfully enough. It’s absolute success of Ukraine which since time of its independence, consistently implemented its foreign national policy, and also made strategically correct decisions, taking into account interests not only of the Crimean people, but also other nationalities occupying the Crimean peninsula.

To resolve problems of repatriates and provide assistance in their integration into the Ukrainian society, Ukrainian leadership implements government Program on settling and provision of the necessary facilities to the deported Crimean Tatars, Greeks, Germans and representatives of other nationalities who returned to the Crimea with the purpose of permanent residence. It aims at restoration of the political, economic and social rights of the Crimean Tatars, education, assistance to preservation of culture and intellectual values.

In June of the current year, Ukrainian parliament approved the bill «On rights restoration of illegally deported on the basis of nationality». Moreover in July the Supreme Rada of Ukraine passed the bill «On the bases of the state language policy». All these acts aim at preservation of culture and intellectual values as well as national identity of the Crimean people.

At the same time, there is a number of complicated issues needing time and allocation of considerable budgetary funds.

Ukrainian government is interested in engagement of the international community to the resolution of a problem related to the integration of the Crimean population and hopes both advisory and financial help. So, Ukrainian leadership has intiated negotiations with the government of Turkey as to the possibility on building of three large industrial zones on Crimean peninsula.

At the same time, Crimean leaders try to express their unreasonable discontent with a progress in implementation of government programs and state funds allocated to help the repatriated population. Thus they don’t try to take into account Ukrainian and international economic realities. Moreover, recently leaders of Crimean médjlis have tried desperately to internationalize a problem of the Crimean tatars attracting attention of the international community to it, and also involving the European and international organizations. In the middle of September Kiev witnessed the next meeting of médjlis leadership with representatives of diplomatic missions and the international organisations. So, in August, 2010 in course of national assembly of the Crimean people, médjlis leaders initiated holding of «The International forum on restoration of the rights of the Crimean people» with wide participation of the international institutions. According to experts, initiating the given action, Crimean leaders try to draw thus to themselves attention of the international public, and on this background to rise own political rating in a context forthcoming parliamentary elections.

I must admit, that negotiations concerning carrying out of the given forum are conducted, involving international organizations, already two years. During that time the Supreme commissioner of OSCE for national minorities, Knut Vollebaek, at variorum times visited Ukraine. During the resent visit in July, 2012, having studied the situation in the country, the Supreme commissioner has drawn a conclusion that in Crimea there was a stable international situation.

At a sit-down with leaders of Crimean médjlis, Vollebekk noticed that Ukrainian authorities support carrying out of the International forum, offering their format and possible dates of its organization, confirming priority of this issue.

Earlier the European Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy, Štefan Füle, supporting idea of carrying out of International forum on restoration of rights of Crimean Tatar people, declared extremely importance of involving of public and official authorities in Crimean Tatar initiatives. As to a role of European Commission, he noticed, it is already provided by the international legislation. In his eyes, the problem-solving of Crimean Tatars is first of all responsibility of Ukraine, and it’s Ukrainian internal process.

Many competent international experts find that the International forum on problems of Crimean people should be better held in 2013. This opinion is based on a number of the important reasons. First, only by the end of 2012 the group of international experts will finish a necessary spadework and the report by results of undertook study. And only by the end of the current year concrete recommendations will be worked out for participants of a forum. Secondly, all decisions passed at this event, in any case, irrespective of terms of its holding, will be considered by a new Ukrainian parliament which should draw up legislative base for their implementation. Thirdly, holding of the International forum devoted to problems of repatriated Crimean people will be especially actual for Ukraine in the light of its presidency in OSCE in 2013. This constructive idea was supported also by one of médjlis leaders Refat Çubarov. He considers that holding of the given International forum in the year of Ukrainian presidency in OSCE will testify on «commitment of the Ukrainian leadership to a course of the European integration, observance of principles of democracy and human rights». Head of the Crimean government Anatolii Mohyliov also supported idea of holding of the given forum in 2013.

As to the 10th United States National Security Advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski, the problem of Crimean Tatar people is one of the most complicated on the post-Soviet area and should be solved by international community. Official Kiev expressed complete support to idea of carrying out of International forum on restoration of the rights of Crimean Tatar people, fairly counting, that carrying out of such large-scale action will allow Ukraine to make utilize international experience and develop ways of decision of problems on restoration of historical justice, maintenance of rights and freedom, culture development, maintenance of language and originality of repatriated Crimean Tatar people.

Azamat Kirimov for Avdet, Turkey

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